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Pastoral 2020 lores

Front-row from left:

Rev Tang Khoon Hoe, Rev Dr Yeo Peck Chan, Rev Tan Gark Chye, Rev Kevin Chen, Rev Dr Caleb Soo Lee Chong, Rev Jeremy Ng Yong Him,  Rev Goh Choon Cheow

Back-row from left:

Pastor Andrew Chong, Pastor Peng Beng Tian, Pastor Lin Weizhen, Pastor Cecilia Pek, Pastor Chan Xin Hui, Pastor Astrid Lee, Pastor Chan Keng Aik, Pastor Francis Lim,



Reverend Kevin Chen


revkevinfamily2Rev. Kevin is married to Sis Anna and blessed with a son and two daughters: Jonathan, Phoebe and Sarah. Anna, who was formerly working as a secretary, is now a stay-at-home mum focusing on bringing up the children.


Rev. Kevin was brought up in a Christian home and had parents who were fervently involved in church. Having accepted Christ as his Lord at the age of 13, he began to participate actively in fellowship and choir. During his four years in university, he participated in the varsity fellowship then known as Campus Crusade for Christ, and it was there that he addressed his faith seriously and thought about the gospel mission. After graduation, he spent six years at Hewlett-Packard as an engineer.


In 1999 he responded to God's call, and with the support of the church, he went to Taiwan to study at the China Evangelical Seminary. Rev. Kevin obtained his Master of Divinity in 2002, and thereafter returned to serve in SLC.


Rev. Kevin's areas of service in SLC includes Mandarin Worship, 1520 Fellowship, the Young Adults Fellowship, iRock Fellowship, Evergreen Fellowship, Sunday School for adults, pre-marriage counselling, and Family Ministry. His burden is for the shaping of committed disciples of Christ, as well as establishing holistic families so that the faith can be passed on to future generations.


Reverend Dr Caleb Soo Lee Chong

Associate Minister


Rev. Caleb Soo is married to Sis Ai Yue, and blessed with a daughter Sophia and son-in-law Bryan.


Rev. Soo graduated from the Southeast Asia Bible Seminary in Indonesia in 1981. Between 1984 and 1986, he read Master of Theology at Singapore's Trinity Theological College through a partnership with The South East Asia Graduate School of Theology. In 1993, he obtained his Doctorate in Religious Science in Taiwan's Fu Jen Catholic University's Faculty of Theology.


Rev. Soo's areas of service include evangelism, pastoring and theological education. Between 1981 to 1984, he did groundbreaking evangelism work in a small village. From 1986 to 1990, he served as a preacher in Batu Pahat Saving Grace Church and was subsequently ordained as Senior Pastor.  From 1990 to 1991, he was Senior Pastor at Peace Presbyterian Church in Johor Bahru.  Between 1994 and 1998, he was a lecturer at Singapore's Trinity Theological College.  Rev. Soo became the Moderator of Singapore Life Church in 1999, while serving as guest lecturer at several seminaries.


The ministry motto which Rev. Soo lives by is "Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained" (Proverbs 29:18).  With twenty-odd years of practice and experiences in ministry, he strongly believes that church pastors need to possess vision and far-sightedness, stance and vigour, commitment to love, and team spirit. One must also be willing to accept and work with people of different gifts.


Towards believers, as long as one demonstrates sincere love and dedication in caring for them, it will not be difficult to earn their respect and see amazing results of lives that grow and bear fruit. Towards non-believers, we must strive to proclaim the gospel − especially in equipping saints to evangelise; God will surely add the saved to our ranks.



Reverend Tang Khoon Hoe

Associate Minister



Rev. Tang is married to Sis Yvonne Choo and they have three boys, Benjamin, Jeremy and Nicolas.


Rev Tang was born in a Christian family and grew up in a traditional Chinese family where both his parents are Teochews from China.  He accepted Christ in 1977 when he was 16 years old, at one of the church camps.


It was in 1982 when God first called Rev Tang to serve Him.  At that time, he was still studying in Ngee Ann Polytechnic doing Building Management. However, he did not respond to God’s call. His main objective then was to complete his studies. There were a couple more instances that God prompted him to serve and be a part of His work. But due to many reasons, he decided against it and pushed Him aside. Instead, he continued to work in SMRT as a supervisor for the next 10 years.


Finally, in 1998, Rev Tang made the most important decision of his life. He left his comfort zone at SMRT and went to Trinity Theological College where he underwent theological training to become a pastor.


After graduating in 2002, Rev Tang joined the pastoral team in Singapore Life Church and served as the Assistant Pastor overseeing the Youth and Children ministries in the English congregation. A year later, he took on the role of Pastor in-charge of the English Worship Service, till now.


Rev Tang’s hobbies include watching soccer, reading and jogging.



Reverend Jeremy Ng Yong Him

Associate Minister

Rev Ng Family 2019 2Rev. Ng is married to Sis Sophia Chiang and blessed with a son and a daughter: Jared and Jadee. Sis Sophia is a school counsellor with the Ministry of Education.


Born 1965 into a traditional Taoist family, Rev. Ng's father is Teochew while his mother is Hokkien. Rev. Ng came to be the first Christian in his family. By the grace of God, his parents, sister and brothers all became believers subsequently.


Rev. Ng accepted Christ as his Lord in 1983. The following year he graduated from high school and joined the Singapore Armed Forces as a full-time soldier. In 1991, he responded to God's call to full-time service and entered Singapore Bible College to begin his studies. In 1995, he received a Bachelor of Theology. Later in 2008 he obtained his Master of Divinity through part-time studies. Rev. Ng has been pastoring churches since 1995, first Chen Li Presbyterian Church, then Bartley Christian Church, and most recently Providence Presbyterian Church (formerly the Mandarin congregation of Orchard Road Presbyterian Church).


In August 2012, Rev. Ng joined the ranks of SLC's pastoral team. His areas of focus are the Teochew-Mandarin Service, pastoral care for the Seniors Fellowship and Women's Fellowship,  the Seniors Activity Centre, and the SLC Choir. He is also leading the team behind the church's website and information content management, the training of follow-up mentors as well as the gospel classes for seniors. He also administers to funerals and other sacraments.


Rev. Ng is gifted in pastoring and teaching, and especially loves shepherding the elderly. His personal hobbies are watching movies, reading, table tennis & running.



Reverend Dr. Yeo Peck Chan

Creative Ministry Director

Rev. Yeo completed her studies at the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan (majoring in Theatre Arts and Film), and the Shanghai Theatre Academy (Master and Doctorate in Theatre Arts).


After graduation, Reverend Yeo joined the National Trades Union Congress Research Unit as Culture Secretariat and Head of Drama Section, and later MediaCorp as Director of Talent Development. She would often be invited to assume roles of theatre advisor and film lecturer.


Growing up in SLC, she accepted God's calling in her sophomore year. Whilst being equipped for a professional life in theatre and film, God led her to experience His further promptings at different stages of her life. In 2002, Reverend Yeo responded to God in a tangible manner by pursuing theological studies full-time. She went on to obtain a Master of Divinity at Trinity Theological College, and thereafter a Doctor of Theology.


In May 2007, Reverend Yeo joined the ranks of full-time staff in SLC serving as director in the Creative Ministry. Her main responsibilities were in events, worship renewal, and multimedia projects. Her pastoral motto is "trust in the Lord's might, striving with one's utmost", while her hope for the church is for her to be "rooted in God's wordloving God and loving people; holistic and unitedrecipient of God's blessings".



Reverend Goh Choon Cheow


Goh CC2

Rev. Goh came to the faith in Christ in 1984 and was baptized into the church (Chen-Li Presbyterian Church) in 1985. He married Sister Ong Poh Kim and they have two daughters, eldest daughter Yizhen and second daughter Yiai.


Rev. Goh graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic in 1982 and obtained his degree in facilities management in 2008. He then completed his Master of Divinity in Trinity Theological College and graduated in 2016.


His experience in serving includes Children Sunday School Teacher, Chairperson of Young Adult Fellowship, Cell Group Leader, Deacon, Fellowship Chairperson, Sunday School Teacher for Young Adults, Evangelism Explosion Leader. He has around 30 years of experience in serving as Sunday School teacher for children and youths.


He started full time ministry in Singapore Life Church as the supervisor for Education Ministry.


In 2016, he graduated with Master of Divinity (MDiV) from Trinity Theological College. He is currently serving in SLC for children Sunday School teachers’ training, EE evangelism training, Seeker’s Class and Pastor in charge of Evergreen Fellowship. He is also involved in overseas children Sunday School teachers’ training and children’s camps in Myanmar and Thailand.



Pastor Astrid Lee May Sze

Pr Meisi 2022

Pastor Lee grew up in a traditional Taoist home of Hokkien heritage. She is the second convert in her family. By God's grace, after her conversion, she witnessed her sister, mother and uncle's family come to the faith as well.


Pastor Astrid accepted Christ as Lord in 1989, and at the invitation of classmates, came to be in Singapore Life Church. From 1992 to 2005, she was a Sunday school teacher for children and youths. In 1992, she began her undergraduate studies in Education at Nanyang Technological University. During her time there, she also served in the ministry then known as Campus Crusade for Christ. After graduation in 1996, she became a primary school teacher.


In 2005, Pastor Astrid answered God's call for her to go overseas and assume short term campus ministry work. Upon her return in 2009, she enrolled into Singapore Bible College for the Master of Arts (Biblical Studies) program. After her graduation in 2012, she began serving in Singapore Life Church.


Pastor Astrid's main areas of service include the 1520 Ministry and Young Adults Fellowship, as well as the administration of the church's Fellowship-Cell Group Ministry. Her hobbies include listening to music, reading, swimming and jogging.



Pastor Lin Weizhen

Ps Weizhen & Hubby copy

Pastor Lin is married to Cai Yu who graduated from Trinity Theological College in 2020. Preacher Lin Weizhen is born in Chaoshan region – Jieyang, China. She grew up in a Christian family and is third generation Christian. She was confirmed and baptized in 2009 and responded to God’s calling in 2012 to come to Baptist Theological Seminary, Singapore to be theologically equipped. She completed her Bachelor of Theology in 2015 and completed Master of Divinity in 2017.


She officially joined Singapore Life Church in August 2017 and started full time ministry. Currently, she is responsible for Mandarin Service 2, Seniors Fellowship, Sisters Fellowship and Adult Sunday School Ministry.

Her Motto: Being loyal to God’s calling and what He has entrusted!


Her hobbies: Reading, strolling, running, badminton, being alone, travel.



Pastor Cecilia Pek

Cecilia PreacherPastor Cecilia is married. Her husband Preacher Joshua Ong is serving in the Methodist Church. Preacher Cecilia is a third-generation Christian and grew up in Singapore Life Church. She graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a business degree and worked 8 years in banking compliance department. In 2015, she responded to God’s calling and devoted to full-time ministry as a full-time church ministry staff. In 2016, she started her studies in Trinity Theological College and completed her Master of Divinity in 2019.

She joined the pastoral team in Singapore Life Church in July 2019 and is currently involved in 1520 and Young Adult Fellowship and Mission ministry.

Her hobbies include swimming, travel and cooking.



 Pastor Francis Lim

FrancisPastor Francis grew up in a Taoist and Buddhist family background and environment and is the first Christian in his family. With God’s grace, he committed his life to the Lord in 2008. He graduated in University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia in 2010. Upon graduation, he came to work in Singapore in the advertisement and event management industry.


His worldview and outlook to life changed a lot since his belief in the Lord. Under the holistic system of Singapore Life Church's teaching, he began to grew in the knowledge of God and nurtured in the faith. In 2016, he responded to God's calling and went to equip himself at Singapore Bible College and graduated with a Masters in Divinity in May 2019. He is currently serving at the 1520 Youth ministry, Antioch Young Adult Fellowship and in the Mission Committee. 

Preacher Francis enjoys movies and travelling.



Pastor Chan Xin Hui



Pastor Xin Hui has spent her entire life in Singapore Life Church, having grown up within the community of faith. She has been largely influenced by the dedicated service of her parents and family, and those around her. She is married to Brother Benjamin Tam since August 2020. 

Growing up, being a Christian was more of a status or an identity marker, and it was only at the age of 16 that she truly encountered Christ. She received her calling into full-time ministry in 2008, but it was only in 2016 that the Lord called her into the service of pastoral ministry. In the years between, she worked as a social worker for families and individuals within the community. She successfully graduated from Trinity Theological College in 2020 with a Masters of Divinity, and joined the pastoral staff full time from July 2020. 

Her present areas of service include the Youth ministry (English Service), Life Care Society (social arm of the church) and Family Ministry.



Pastor Peng Beng Tian



Pastor Beng Tian is married to Sister Joanne. They have a son, Ezra. Preacher Beng Tian came to faith in the Lord during his teenage years and was baptised in 1989. He spent 13 years working as a research engineer with DSO National Laboratories before becoming a full-time missionary to Japan in 2012.


Together with his family, he set up a house church in Tokyo, ministering to young Japanese. In 2016, he joined Singapore Life Church as a Pastoral Assistant, serving the community through social services.


Preacher Beng Tian graduated with a Master of Divinity from Singapore Bible College in 2021. His passion is to see God’s people grow in loving God and people. His present ministries include the Young Adult Ministry (English Service), Missions and Evangelism.


Pastor Andrew Chong


Pastor Andrew is married to Sis Boon Ang, who is a medical Doctor. They were blessed with two sons and a daughter: Samuel, Leona, and Sean.


Ps Andrew accepted Christ in 1986. He graduated from the university of Glasgow with a bachelor honours degree specialise in Spindle motors and drives in 1995. He spent 25 years in the Hard Disk Drive Industry spanning key management roles in failure analysis, research, design, and supplier quality engineering functions. Vast experience in leading cross cultural talented teams supporting design centres and factories in Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and the US.

He is also a proven project and team development transformation agent having the abilities in engaging customer interfaces with diverse expectations and the ability to identify and bring-up potential leaders within the organisation.


In 2019, he decided to equip himself with theological training, took up a 2-year full-time Master of Arts in Christian Studies from the Singapore School of Theology Chinese (SOTC–Singapore Bible College). After graduating in May 2021, Ps Andrew joined Singapore Life Church as a General Manager, running Church operations and administrations as well as portion of his time involving in Pastoral care.


His personal motto to live by is “‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts. It will not be by our cleverness, our ability, or our physical strength that the temple(Church) will be rebuilt, but by the Spirit of God. And when the work is done by the continual supply of the Spirit, then it is all to the glory of God’s grace.

Ps Andrew has an interest in photography, reading, watching movies and has a passion in teaching and coaching.




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