
E offering revised2020

Eoffering Banner Info

作为一个成长的教会,我们有责任有智慧地运用神所赐予我们的资源。您可以透过电子奉献帮助我们减少营运及人力开销。您可以透过 PayNow (QR / UEN) 或电子转账来奉献。

As a growing church, we have a responsibility to use the resources God has bestowed on us wisely. You can help us reduce our operating and manpower costs by choosing to give your offerings electronically. You can do so either through PayNow (QR / UEN) or electronic bank transfers.


PayNow 步骤:
1. 使用您手机里的银行应用程序来扫描QR码 (或输入UEN)
2. 输入您的奉献金额
3. 输入您所在崇拜聚会的简称 (C1, C2 or ES)
4. 收到确认信息说: “Singapore Life Church”本教会已收到您的奉献

* 预知更多奉献事宜,敬请联络教会财务部


Please pick up an e-Offering Card from the counter.

Steps for PayNow:
1. Scan the QR Code with your mobile banking app (or enter the UEN)
2. Enter your offering amount
3. Enter the code for the service you attend (i.e. C1, C2 or ES)
4. See acknowledgement screen that “Singapore Life Church” has received your offering

* Further questions on offerings? Please contact our Finance department.


Singapore Life Church now accepts electronic offerings through PayNow and bank transfers over the internet. Electronic offerings, or “e-offerings”, is merely an extension of the channels that people can give to our Church.

You can choose not to give electronically. We are not removing any of the other existing options and you are free to continue giving in your current way. Some people really are more comfortable writing cheques or handing over cash each week. And that’s great. We are just adding another channel to how people can give to the Church.



There are many benefits for the Church, including:

  • Reduction in the effort and time consumed in counting physical cash by our staff and volunteers each week
  • Reduction in the effort and time taken weekly by our volunteers to process offering envelopes as well as the issuing of receipts at the end of each year
  • A more sustainable solution in the long run as the Church grows in size
  • Safety of our staff as they have to store significant amounts of cash on the Church premises and subsequently transporting the cash from the Church to the bank
  • Promotion of confidentiality as offerings made electronically only appear on bank statements, which only limited finance staff of the Church have access to
  • Making the act of giving more versatile for people who may not attend our Sunday services due to frequent travel or because they are serving in other ministries and cannot be physically present during the services
  • Keeping up with the times as people are also carrying less cash on them these days, and cheques will gradually be phased out by the Singapore government in a few years

Some may have concerns that electronic giving methods remove the weekly ritual of giving during Sunday service. Rest assured that the Church does not intend to do so. The Church has rolled out e-offering as an additional mode of giving, not a replacement of existing ones.

As to the spiritual act of giving to God, God has made it clear in His scriptures that He is more concerned about our attitude when we give than how we give. If you are making an e-offering, do it prayerfully and with thanksgiving – and God will delight in it (cf. Psalm 40:6, 51:16-17, 1 Samuel 15:22, Isaiah 1:11).

If you wish to continue using physical cash but also don’t mind giving electronically, may we suggest that you channel the majority of your giving through e-offering and reduce physical cash to a token sum. This will help to ease the burden of counting cash for our staff and volunteers.



No. If you only intend to make e-offerings or make payments to others, you do not need to register. You only need to register for PayNow if you intend to receive money.

The Church has three (3) separate bank accounts each for a different purpose. Each account also has a unique entity number (UEN) and a quick response barcode (QR code).


General Offering: To support our ministries and operations
Mission Fund:       To support our various overseas missions
LCS Fund:             To support our community service projects


If you are giving towards General Offerings, please also key one of the following codes into the optional reference field on the payment screen. If any amount received does not show these codes, or shows more than one code, the Church reserves the right to allocate your contribution as deemed fit.



Your Worship Service


Chinese Service 1


Chinese Service 2


English Service


Please note that we have decided not to publish payment details online in order to minimise the risk of phishing attacks. As such, please pick up an e-Offering Card from Church which you can keep with you.

You can make an e-offering at any time as the electronic banking services are available 24/7. However, we do not encourage you to make transfers during Sunday services as tinkering with your mobile phone during the service would likely cause distractions to both yourself and others. Moreover, unfamiliarity of the process, weak mobile signals, and other technical issues may also interfere with precious corporate worship time.

You can just past the bag to the next person, or you can give an additional token sum.

When you use a bank’s mobile app or an online portal to make a transfer, the system would usually send you an electronic receipt via email or SMS. As such, the Church will not provide any further proof of receipt.

Every time you send money using PayNow, you will be asked to verify the name of the recipient (i.e. “Singapore Life Church”) before confirming the payment instruction. If you are in any doubt of the recipient, you should not confirm the payment instruction. In the unfortunate event that an amount is still sent to the wrong party, the Church cannot be held responsible.

There are no charges to you who makes an e-offering. The Church currently enjoys a waiver of transaction fees as well.

The default maximum daily limit for most banks is S$1,000. This default limit can usually be changed. If you need to do so, please check with your bank.

If you are using PayNow, the current participating banks are:

  • Citibank
  • DBS Bank
  • HSBC
  • Maybank
  • OCBC Bank
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • UOB Bank
  • Bank of China
  • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

If you are using electronic bank transfer, most banks should have this service.

Yes, you should be able to make offerings electronically from anywhere in the world as long as there is a stable internet connection. However, some places might have firewall restrictions.

Yes, PayNow is secured and adopts high-security standards established by the banking industry in Singapore for funds transfer.

Details of e-offerings only appear on the bank statements received by the Church finance staff. Only the finance staff have access to these statements.

All information stated is correct at time of writing. Last updated: September 2019.


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